Geographic Tongue

Several months ago while studying for the bar exam, I began to notice strange irregular patches of missing taste buds on my tongue.  Given that I was stressed to the max, eating a steady diet of Thai takeout, and an insomniac, I suspected that the strange tongue symptoms would subside after the exam.  But, months later, the tongue spots were still there!  The patterns seemed to travel across my tongue and were slightly painful to the touch.  

Doctors diagnosed me with geographic tongue and suggested that I try steroid mouth rinses and antihistamines.  However, I wanted to treat the underlying problem rather than just the symptoms.  I began experimenting with various raw juices to supplement any vitamins I might be lacking. And, voila!  After only a few weeks of juicing, I discovered that the patterns on my tongue had completely disappeared.  

What is Geographic Tongue?

Geographic tongue is a condition in which the tongue has a "map-like" appearance, with irregular patterns on the surface that change rapidly. These patterns on the tongue are created by missing papillae (taste buds). This creates flat "denuded" areas on the tongue that seem to travel across the tongue's surface on a daily basis.

For some, this condition may be accompanied by a burning sensation or soreness.  For others, the condition is merely harmless, but unsightly.

Click here for an image of the condition

What Causes Geographic Tongue?

Doctors are still uncertain about what causes geographic tongue.  However, it tends to run in families and occurs more often in women.  Some experts believe the condition may be exacerbated by stress or diets high in processed sugar.  Others assert that it results from a zinc or vitamin B deficiency.  Geographic tongue may occur in tandem with eczema, allergies, and hormonal imbalances.

Juice Recipes for Geographic Tongue

Mean Green Juice
  • 4 kale leaves
  • handful of spinach
  • 1 apple (red or green)
Green for Good
  • 4 kale leaves
  • 3 swiss chard leaves
  • 1 apple (red or green)

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