Eczema & Psoriasis

Since middle school, I have suffered from an itchy, flaky scalp.  Aside from the embarrassment of white flakes on my clothing, my scalp was covered in small scabs that resulted from constant scratching.  I tried Neutrogena T-Gel, Nizoral, Meted, Denorex, and Selsun Blue shampoos, but they did little to improve my condition.  I went to several dermatologists, and they prescribed an array of pungent shampoos.  These chemical-filled products did little to reduce the flaking, and made my head smell like a newly-paved driveway.  

After abandoning prescription shampoos, I experimented with other unpleasant prescription remedies.  First, there were topical foam treatments, such as Luxiq and Olux.  While these foams would temporarily reduce itching and flaking, they burned when I applied them to my scalp.  If I skipped a few days of treatment, the dandruff would return.

Next, I delved into the world of home remedies.  I tried soaking my scalp in apple cider vinegar, honey, mayonnaise, tea tree oil, scrubbing my head with a name it, I've tried it.  Nothing worked!  

The reason none of these potions worked is that they are designed to treat only the external symptoms (flaking, itching, etc.), but not the internal autoimmune problems.  Hence, the power of juicing!  

After about two weeks of juicing, my eczema symptoms began to clear up from the inside out.  And, they continue to improve.  Not surprisingly, no doctor had every mentioned a nutrient deficiency or potential dietary solution to my itching.  Here's my secret recipe...let me know if you have others!

Skintastic Carrot Juice
  • 4 carrots
  • 1 apple (green or red)
  • 1 inch ginger (optional)

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